Member-only story
Blown away by absolutely nothing.
How can you talk about ‘me’ or ‘the me’ when you have a sense it doesn’t really exist?
Well, listen to non-duality teachers.
They can talk about non-personal existence forever.
And they can even invite you to their satsangs, so they can tell you for hours that both time and spiritual meetings don’t really exist.
This branch of spirituality is very amusing.
And it’s not just really interesting but also endlessly puzzling and seemingly circular, and therefore something you can devote a lifetime to, without any real results.
I was just about to say that people who get lost in non-duality, Buddhism, or the 3P’s (to name just a few of the products in the candy store) don’t really get it.
For the simple reason that all these things are mere tools to open up something bigger, while the goal is never to become really good at using the tool itself.
But…. since everything in life is always absolutely perfect even if it isn’t, becoming a Buddhist is just as good a goal as becoming enlightened.
Or peeling an onion (which is somewhat the same, metaphorically speaking).