Member-only story
You’re never right.
Separate realities.
We can intellectually know that our worlds differ, that our opinions and preferences vary, but for most people that doesn’t change much.
One day I realized that if my world looks 100% realistic and true to me, your world must look the same to you.
And then this question came up:
“How do I know for sure that my version of the world is better and more important and more true than yours?”
Wouldn’t that be the greatest coincidence EVER, me being the only person on the planet always being absolutely right about everything?
It sounds stupid when you put it out there like that, but at the same: it is exactly what we do, how we live and react, most of the time.
Our worldviews are the most important constructs in our lives, and they don’t even look like constructs.
Everything we’ve ever learned about life turned into this personal soup we call ‘me’, and we totally fell for the delusion.
There is no such thing as a ‘bad’ movie.
Both good and bad are far from universal, and totally rely on our highly personal web of ideas.
Every opinion, every judgment, every taste, is subjective.
This means that we can never really be right about something.
Nobody can.
So we are really in this together.
How would your life change if you truly realized this?